Friday, August 10, 2012

My reaseach has never stopped!

Continuing on my research to find a better option for women with Dense Breast Tissue, to find out whether they have cancer or not at an early stage, I came across this report by Wall Street Journal Health Columnist, Melinda Beck.  Once again, we find how crucial it is for that 40% of the women population with dense breast tissue, to know her breast density, and to get better ways to be diagnosed in time!
Please, take a watch the video below or follow the link to their website...
 8/6/2012 12:57:03 PM
More States Ask, 'Are You Dense?'

Mammograms miss 40% of breast cancers in women with dense breast tissue, and such women are four times more likely to develop breast cancer than others. A campaign dubbed "Are You Dense?" is gaining momentum, as Melinda Beck has details on Lunch Break. Photo: American College of Radiology.

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