"Corina combines her artistic talents and her passion for educating woman in her most tasteful, unique and beautiful AWARENESS sculpture. In my displaying it at a breast cancer fundraiser, women's eyes were gently opened to various issues in a nonthreatening but powerful way. Corina is truly gracious in her efforts at empowering women through art." Kate Downey Berges, photographer. The Downey Sister's Fund for BRCA Mutation Awareness and Education
"Corina Alvarezdelugo is one of those rare artists that receives fulfillment from her art by combining creativity with a message for the betterment of society and the planet. She acts as a catalyst for social change with her artworks that speak to issues confronting the world.... Now she addresses Awareness of Breast Cancer Detection with her sculpture and a Blog that invites cancer patients a place to share their stories and provides support and important information on this subject." Jack Lardis, President & Founder Oil Drum Art
“Your sculpture is beautiful, and your generosity admirable. I am currently going through chemo for treatment of breast cancer myself, which a mammography could not detect - but ultrasound did. I truly appreciate all you are doing. In my research, I noticed that The Brem foundation is working on studies for dense breast tissue help specifically, and is working on getting ultrasound technology to be used in conjunction with mammos for women with dense breast tissue. The Dr Susan Love Research Foundation has also done studies on the topic - perhaps that would be another place to lead you in the direction you're interested in. Take care and thank you!” Karin Bartimole April 9, 2010
"I absolutely love this breast cancer awareness sculpture.... it is exquisitely simple, yet says it all. I have had a few friends this past year go through mastectomies and further surgeries for breast and ovarian cancer and positive genes. I will hopefully figure out how to send them your work, so they can reflect on it. Perhaps they know of some foundation? If not, I think just seeing your art will be beneficial to their healing process. Thank you!" Claudia - April 28, 2010